2/2025 Florence
Second Meeting of the Pilot Transnational Peoples’ Assembly
L-Assemblea taċ-Ċittadini ta' Firenze hija ċ-ċans tiegħek li ssemma' leħnek u ssawwar il-futur tal-Ewropa. Dan huwa aktar minn laqgħa; huwa vjaġġ ta' impenn demokratiku li jgħaqqad lin-nies madwar l-Ewropa.
Welcome, Resident of Florence!
If you’re here, it’s because you received a special invitation in your letterbox to join the Citizen Assembly session of the Democratic Odyssey in Florence. This exclusive invitation was sent to a select group of residents, offering you the chance to participate in a transformative experience.
The Democratic Odyssey is a groundbreaking initiative connecting citizens from across Europe to tackle pressing democratic challenges and craft actionable recommendations for the future. This February, Florence will host a Citizen Assembly to discuss the key issues shaping Europe and explore how we, as citizens, can lead the way toward meaningful change.
Our journey began in Athens, where citizens gathered to address the challenges of democratic crisis management. From there, discussions continued online, building bridges to our upcoming assemblies in Florence and Vienna. Each step has brought us closer to achieving our overarching goal: to demonstrate to the European Commission that establishing a Permanent European People’s Assembly is both possible and necessary.
This ambitious vision aims to place citizens at the very core of European decision-making, ensuring that diverse voices are not only heard but also actively shape policies and strategies. By participating in the Florence Assembly, you will contribute to proving that ordinary citizens, when given the right tools and space, can play a central role in guiding Europe through its challenges and opportunities.
The Democratic Odyssey is made possible by the support of the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values) Programme of the European Union, and a network of partners committed to fostering inclusivity and democratic innovation. In Florence, we are proud to collaborate with the Municipality of Florence, the Municipality of Fiesole, the Tuscany Region, Le Murate Art District, and the European University Institute (EUI).
Please note that registrations will be processed in accordance with data protection regulations in force at the European University Institute and at European Alternatives.
What Are Citizen Assemblies?
Citizen Assemblies bring together people from all walks of life to discuss pressing issues and find solutions that reflect the collective will. Participants engage in guided discussions, workshops, and collaborative activities to explore ideas, debate priorities, and propose recommendations.
This democratic approach ensures everyone’s voice matters. It’s about creating solutions with citizens, not just for citizens.
Who can participate and why?
Any resident of Florence over 18 years old is welcome to join. We aim to create a diverse group representing all segments of the community.
By joining the assembly, you’ll:
- Contribute to shaping policies that affect your community and Europe.
- Learn about and practice collaborative decision-making.
- Meet like-minded individuals and organizations from all over Europe.
- Be part of a groundbreaking movement to strengthen democracy.
How are participants selected for the citizen assembly?
Participants for a citizen assembly, like the ones in the Democratic Odyssey, are typically selected through a random drawing process to ensure a representative mix of the population. This method is designed to reflect the demographic diversity of the area, such as age, gender, socio-economic background, and cultural perspective.
After you register to participate in the Florence Citizen Assembly, we will publicly select 50 individuals from the total registrations to receive the final invitation to the assembly.
What to Expect at the Florence Assembly?
- Dynamic Discussions: Join small groups led by skilled facilitators to share your perspectives.
- Workshops: Dive deeper into the topic of the assembly
- Artistic Engagement: Experience creative activities that inspire and connect.
- Impactful Outcomes: Your contributions will be documented and shared with policymakers and communities across Europe.
Incentives for Participation
To make your participation easier, we provide:
- A 50€ per diem per day for all participants to cover meals and expenses. This is a total of 100€ for attending the two days of the assembly.
- Accessibility support, including interpretation in English and Italian
- Childcare services upon request.
What Happens After the Assembly?
Your contributions will help shape recommendations for policymakers at local, national, and European levels. The insights gathered in Florence will connect with discussions from Athens, Vienna, and the online assemblies, forming a powerful vision for Europe’s future.
A detailed report summarizing the assembly’s outcomes will be shared with participants, the public, and decision-makers.
Do I need prior knowledge to participate?
No, you don’t need any prior knowledge! The Democratic Odyssey is designed for everyone, and we’ll provide all the materials and support you need. Your personal experiences and perspectives are what matter most. Facilitators and experts will guide you through the discussions, ensuring you can contribute meaningfully, regardless of your background.
I am unsure if I can attend each day of the Assembly. Can I still apply?
Yes, you can still apply. Please indicate your availability in the registration form, and we’ll work to accommodate you as much as possible.
Why is demographic information collected?
Demographic information helps ensure a diverse, representative group of participants, reflecting the community’s range of experiences and perspectives
If I am not chosen for the Assembly, can I still be involved?
Yes! You can stay engaged by attending future events, following updates, or contributing to ongoing discussions online.