The Travelling Assembly
Towards a permanent Peoples' Assembly for Europe
Citizens as changemakers!
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Viite: democratic-odyssey-DEBA-2025-01-68
Versio 5 (yhteensä 5 kpl) näytä muut versiot
To prepare for our Assembly moment in Florence (21-23 February), we discuss the following:
What kinds of things could you do as a citizen to change how crises are handled? What support would you need for the things you want to do, either before or during crises?
This is a space where all can contribute! You can add a comment or react to those from others. A summary of this debate will be presented to the Assembly Members during the Florence Assembly moment, so you can also contribute to the process!
Ilmoita asiatonta sisältöä
Onko tämä sisältö epäasiallista?
Sulje keskustelu
Mitkä olivat keskustelussa syntyneet johtopäätökset lyhyesti kerrottuna?
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